Are Saxes With a Top F# Key Better?

If you’re looking for a new sax, one of the things you’ll probably be thinking about is whether or not it has a top F# key. Not all saxes have them and it’s possible to play F# without one, so is it necessary or not? Thinking about this made me wonder why some saxes have them and some saxes don’t, and when the key was first added. I’ve done some research on this and found some information about when the key became standard.

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What is the Hardest Piece Written for Sax?

If you play the sax you might be wondering how far there is to go in terms of progressing through grades and pieces. If you’re wondering this, then at some point you’ll probably start thinking about what the hardest piece ever written is for the sax – what’s the maximum standard? I’ve had a look into this and have come up with some answers.

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